At the first time I visited the Museum Fridericianum in Kassel I pointed a remarkable, in my opinion, phenomenon in the second floor of the exhibition hall. After a few days I decided to visit the space again, having the photo camera with me, in order to find out if what I saw four days before was just a false impression or a real fact. In the second floor of the Fridericianum two art works draw my attention, not only because of their theme but also because I realized that those works had a specific audience, according to my observation. I decided to take a picture in front of each work, and the audience, every five, fifteen or thirty minutes in order to prove the results of my observation.
Lidwien Van De Ven work “Document” consists on a series of “images from an infinitely complex conflict zone: the intersection between the Middle East and Europe, Islam, Judaism, Christianity and secularism”. Walking around Van De Ven’s photos I noticed that both men and women seemed to be very attracted to this work but it proved to be true the fact that men were a bit more than the women were stand in front of the images. Men also spend much more time looking at the pictures and some times they start discussions about the work. Women leave earlier but the irony here lays at the fact that Lidwien Van De Ven is a woman.